3 x 3 Practice

If you find yourself at the mercy of upsetting events or people (that may not matter) suffering from habitual agitation and obsessive worrying, a regular breathing practice can help you (a lot).
Here it is - a shoehorn into meditation:
1) Sit comfortably, feet squarely on the floor; easily notice your aliveness within your body, focus on your breath, effortlessly pumping fresh air in and used air out. Say silently to yourself, “I breathe in good air. I breathe out used air.” Repeat 2 more times. If you’d rather walk for this exercise, that’s cool, too.
2) Take a deep breath, hold it to the count of seven; gently release it. Breathe normally. Repeat 2 more times.
3) Go back to easily noticing your aliveness via breath and airflow. Say silently to yourself, “ I breathe in love. I breathe out love.” Repeat 2 more times.
This is an easy and comfortable way to distract yourself from anxiety and agitation, especially helpful if repeated every day, once or more times per day. Even if it takes a while, you will eventually notice that you can actually improve your ability to relax in this manner, simply through your own power. It’s encouraging.
Even if you take medication for mental-emotional issues, such a daily behavioral practice is very useful for counteracting agitation and regulating intensely uncomfortable emotional states. It can actually help to change your brain from hyper-reactivity to emotional stabilization and contain impulsive acting out. Once you notice that you can feel more comfortable in this manner, you may then be emboldened to expand or extend the practice and create more equanimity. This can be the beginning of a meditation practice where you gradually take your power back from attachments to people and events. Depression and anxiety can wane, as a friendlier emotional climate emerges and you establish some inner balance.